Tag Archives: Prior to Surgery




For February, I want to talk about Liposuction. It is a very popular procedure at my practice and one that brings my patients a lot of satisfaction.

Also, liposuction is a surgery that I find most patients want to add as a combination procedure.

I.e. Have your facelift and include some liposuction or a breast augmentation with additional liposuction.

I hope you enjoy the topic, remember you can also stay in touch via my Facebook and Twitter pages, or website


First things first! Liposuction is NOT a weight reducing procedure and ideally, patients should be within their healthy body weight for height range (BMI 19-25).

This cannot be stressed enough. Ideally we want to shape and remove stubborn, diet and exercise resistant fat with liposuction.

Any one or combination of the following conditions may indicate that you are a good candidate for liposuction surgery:

  • Areas of fat deposits that are out of proportion with the rest of your body and do not go away with diet and exercise
  • Diet Resistant fat
  • Areas with minimal amounts of excess skin (Liposuction removes fat not skin) and good skin elasticity.

 We will discuss this in more detail during the consultation process, we will also talk about your aesthetic needs, if you want combination surgery and of course the surgical risks.

It is extremely important to be fully informed.


During the initial consultation, you may be asked to look in a mirror and point out exactly what you would like to see improved.

Knowing and understanding your needs is part of achieving your desired result.

Pictures may be taken of you, especially if the areas that will be treated are on your posterior aspect (back, buttock, etc.). This will help me understand your expectations and determine whether they can realistically be achieved.

A determination of the elasticity of the skin will also occur during the consultation. I have to know I can achieve what you need.

A discussion concerning your ideal weight and realistic weight will most likely occur during the consultation. Plans such as future pregnancies, etc. may be also discussed. These simple but often overlooked questions can radically affect your long-term results.

The amount of fat removed at any one session is restricted to 2,5 – 3 litres; this is to minimise the chances of postoperative complications. This is another reason why we want you to be close to your ideal weight.


Liposuction surgery is usually performed as a day case. If this is the case, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery and to stay with you for the next 24 hours as precaution.

You will be uncomfortable for the first few days. Pain medication will keep you pain free but having help around the house is highly recommended.

If you are undergoing large volume liposuction, I will recommend you be hospitalised for the night.

Physical activity should be restricted for the first 24 hours post operatively for all Liposuction cases. Just because the pain medication will have you feeling well doesn’t mean you should be up and about.

After the first 24 hours, light exercise is encouraged but strenuous exercise should not be resumed for at least 4 weeks.

Post operatively Liposuction patients are required to wear a support garment for approximately 6 weeks to help minimise swelling and bruising, and to maintain the aesthetic result.

I estimate that it will take 6 months for all the swelling to subside and the final result to become visible. That said Liposuction has superb results and an incredibly high patient satisfaction rate.

 I hope that you all enjoyed this newsletter, make sure to come by regularly for more updates on all the treatments and procedures I offer at my Cape Town practice!

Feel free to make an appointment now if you would like to discuss your Liposuction options. Dial ( 021-671094  )

Breast Augmentation, Part 5

What can you do to prepare for your surgery?

  • If you smoke, it is essential that you reduce or stop smoking before your procedure and for some time afterward. Be sure to discuss this openly with your doctor.
  • Make sure your physician is aware of any medications, supplements, and herbs you are currently taking. For instance, certain medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen can cause bleeding problems during and after the procedure.
  • Eat a healthy diet and avoid drinking alcohol a few days prior to your procedure.
  • Exercise is generally good for your overall health; however, refrain from extremely vigorous exercise the day before your breast augmentation procedure.
  • Do not eat or drink anything, including water, after midnight the night before the procedure.
  • The night before your procedure, shower and wash your surgical areas with antimicrobial soap. After your shower do not wear any makeup, moisturizers, oils, creams, or lotions — including deodorant.
  • Remove nail polish from at least one fingernail and toenail to help the anesthesia person monitor your blood circulation during your procedure.
  • The morning of your breast augmentation procedure you may brush your teeth, but do not swallow more than a sip of water. If your physician allows you to take any prescribed medication, swallow it with a minimal amount of water.
  • When you go to your physician’s office, wear loose-fitting clothes that open in the front and comfortable flat shoes that slip on.

How long does the surgery generally take?

I usually perform breast augmentation surgeries within 45-60 minutes, however, time will vary according to each patient’s unique body & requests.

Would being under general anaesthetic for this period put you off undergoing breast augmentation surgery?

Post Surgery Down-Time

Patients are generally discharged the same day as their surgery. The recovery period varies from patient to patient but generally it takes only 3-5 days to return to work and 2 weeks rest is advised before engaging in vigorous exercise. Swelling & bruising disappears within short periods of time.

Have you had breast augmentation surgery? How long was your recovery?

Recovery does include:

Pain will be experienced for the first few days after the procedure‚ as occurs with any operation. However advances in pharmaceutic agents means that the pain will be well controlled with oral medication post-op. Swelling & bruising‚ these are again inevitable consequences of an operation and soon resolve.

Breast Feeding After Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation surgery is not known to affect the ability to breast feed.

breast feeding

Flying? Will my breast implants burst?

No, there is no chance of your implants bursting due to flying or climbing to a high altitude. Implants today are tough enough to be man-handled without the possibility of bursting.

I hope that you have enjoyed & been informed by this month’s discussion of Breast Augmentation. Please leave me suggestions as to topics that you wish to be discussed in the future, and don’t be shy to ask any questions.